RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Recent News

Sydney Trains – Future Operations Update

Sydney Trains – Future Operations Update

Aug 25, 2017

An RTBU Locomotive Division Sydney Trains Delegates’ Forum was held yesterday 23/08/17 […] Read More »

TrackSAFE Newsletter

TrackSAFE Newsletter

Aug 24, 2017

Rail Safety Week a big hit with celebrations across Australia and New Zealand […] Read More »

Syndenham to Bankstown Community Event

Syndenham to Bankstown Community Event

Aug 22, 2017

On Sunday the Syndenham to Bankstown Alliance hosted a community meeting to hear […] Read More »

Community fed up with Constance

Community fed up with Constance

Aug 21, 2017

The community is losing faith in having a Transport Minister who is […] Read More »

Asbestos found on Sydney Metro North West site as union demands answers

Asbestos found on Sydney Metro North West site as union demands answers

Aug 21, 2017

By Anna Patty, SMH.  Workers at the Sydney Metro North West site […] Read More »

PN intermodal drivers around the country show solidarity

PN intermodal drivers around the country show solidarity

Aug 21, 2017

PN intermodal drivers around the country show solidarity: check out the photos from Alice Springs, Kalgoolie, Pt Augusta and Pt Kembla. Read More »

PN Bulk & Coal: It’s time to vote

PN Bulk & Coal: It’s time to vote

Aug 21, 2017

Congratulations – the Fair Work Commission has approved your request for a Protected Action Ballot! Read More »

Success! The Opcrew rostering dispute has been resolved

Success! The Opcrew rostering dispute has been resolved

Aug 21, 2017

NSW Trains will now provide period rosters that align with the current agreed Master Rosters for each of the affected depots. Read More »

IRC orders

IRC orders

Aug 19, 2017

The RTBU NSW received orders from the Industrial Relations Commission NSW in […] Read More »

People do not vote for politicians who gloat about abolishing their jobs

People do not vote for politicians who gloat about abolishing their jobs

Aug 18, 2017

There has been an overwhelming reaction to Transport Minister Constance’s gloating that we won’t need public transport workers in the future. Read More »


