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Recent News

Aurizon set for industrial action ballot

Aurizon set for industrial action ballot

Jan 28, 2014

Negotiations with Aurizon over a new enterprise agreement to replace the previous […] Read More »

TCS to Recommence Vaccination Program

TCS to Recommence Vaccination Program

Jan 24, 2014

The RTBU is pleased to advise that due to the actions of […] Read More »

TCS Knowingly Exposes Employees to Hepatitis A and B

TCS Knowingly Exposes Employees to Hepatitis A and B

Jan 17, 2014

The RTBU recently got word that at some point last year TCS […] Read More »

Northern Beaches Police crack down on bus safety

Jan 13, 2014

Police have begun to crack down on the spate of drunken violence […] Read More »

O’Farrell must come clean on privatisation of our trains by stealth

O’Farrell must come clean on privatisation of our trains by stealth

Jan 13, 2014

The planned out-sourcing of rail cleaning services by the NSW Government signals […] Read More »

Train security: guards need back-up not blame

Train security: guards need back-up not blame

Jan 10, 2014

Passenger security on Sydney’s train network will continue to deteriorate unless the […] Read More »

Fair Work Australia confirms rights to incentive payments each time an offer of VR is made

Fair Work Australia confirms rights to incentive payments each time an offer of VR is made

Jan 7, 2014

On 6th January Fair Work Australia handed down a decision which confirms […] Read More »

Staff car parking – update

Staff car parking – update

Dec 18, 2013

Following Sydney/NSW Trains announcement that it would review the number of staff […] Read More »

Northern beaches bus drivers under siege: vote of no confidence in STA

Dec 18, 2013

Bus drivers on Sydney’s northern beaches are in fear for their safety […] Read More »

Union win on additional late night bus services from Kings Cross

Union win on additional late night bus services from Kings Cross

Dec 18, 2013

After a hard-fought campaign by the union’s Bus and Tram Division, the NSW […] Read More »

