RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Recent News

Be in the Ballot for a Christmas Holiday at the RTBU Holiday Park

To: All RTBU Members, A ballot will be held on Friday, 28th […] Read More »

NSW Trains Members – RTBU New Intercity Fleet (NIF) Tour

Jun 28, 2018

To: NSW Train Guards Bulletin 43/2018 The RTBU Locomotive and Operations Divisions […] Read More »

Memorandum of Understanding Non- Disclosure Agreements

Jun 28, 2018

Bulletin: 42/2018 To: NSW Trains – New Intercity Fleet (NIF) Members will […] Read More »

RTBU NSW Media Release: New trains may have armrests, but lack seats and safety

Jun 28, 2018

  Rail workers are warning that the government’s new InterCity fleet has […] Read More »

Central Coast: Change the rules launch

Jun 27, 2018

On the 31st of July, Unions NSW will launch their Change the Rules […] Read More »

Let’s make Constance history

Jun 27, 2018

The shambles that Minister Constance has created for our transport, where do […] Read More »

John Holland, regional communities suffer at the hands of NSW Government

John Holland, regional communities suffer at the hands of NSW Government

Jun 22, 2018

This week, John Holland has announced the redundancies of 36 workers as […] Read More »

ARTC Infrastructure: Tell Management to Respect Our Rights

Jun 21, 2018

Bulletin: 41/2018 Your RTBU legal team has just filed in the Federal […] Read More »

ARTC Infrastructure: RTBU Depot Visits

Jun 20, 2018

Bulletin: 40/2018 Your fight for a fair and reasonable agreement that you […] Read More »

Media Release: NSW Budget, Transport announcements all show, no substance

Jun 19, 2018

NSW Budget: Transport announcements all show, no substance The transport components of […] Read More »


