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Sydney Trains Infrastructure workers: Review of Work Group & Team Leader Pay Anomalies

Nov 19, 2018Bulletins

Bulletin 18/54

To All Sydney Trains Infrastructure Workers

During the negotiations for the 2018 Sydney Trains Enterprise Agreement, the RTBU log of claims fought for Sydney Trains to review the pay levels of members who are Work Group Leaders (WGL) and Team Leaders (TL). This is because your workload and responsibilities have increased and your pay and grading have not.

Last week, your RTBU representatives met with management to hear their position. Sydney Trains informed us that they have conducted a review and formed an opinion that the anomalies are justified by the different competencies that people doing the WGL and TL roles hold.

Your representatives said to management that they do not have all the facts, We told management that they need to meet with you and your workmates who actually perform these duties to better understand why doing the same work for different grades is so unfair.

Management has agreed to meet with your workmates who are subject matter experts on this issue. We will keep you updated as those representatives get involved. We are hopeful that they can meet with management before Christmas.

If you have any questions about this process please contact Jonathan Parker on 0418166742 or infrastructure@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

Issued by: Authorised by:
Jonathan Parker

Relief Organiser

Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

