RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Recent News

Roster Clerks Dispute Update

Mar 16, 2018

Bulletin 19/2018 To:  RTBU STA Salaried Officers, In “consultation” meetings over the […] Read More »

UPDATE: ARTC EA Negotiations and the New Workplace Bargaining Policy

Mar 8, 2018

Bulletin 17/2018 To: All ARTC NSW Infrastructure Members, Throughout February 2018 the […] Read More »

Retention of Employee Travel Pass on Region 6 Privatised Bus Services

Mar 5, 2018

Bulletin 16/2018 To:      All RTBU T/NSW Transport Members Members from T/NSW and […] Read More »

Dispute Notice Regarding the Investigation of Member Complaints

Mar 5, 2018

Bulletin 15/2018 To:       All T/NSW and TSS Members Burwood Members are advised […] Read More »

Sydney and NSW Trains EA Update

Mar 5, 2018

Bulletin 14/2018 As members would be aware, the RTBU has been one […] Read More »

Annual Leave Loading Update

Feb 28, 2018

Bulletin: 13/2018 To: Sydney and NSW Trains Members Annual Leave Loading Update […] Read More »

Sydney Trains Guards: Future Operations Update

Feb 15, 2018

Bulletin 12/2018 To:      All RTBU Sydney Trains Guard Members, Sydney Trains Guards: […] Read More »

RTBU Meeting Calendar

Feb 13, 2018

Click here to view all RTBU meetings RTBU Meetings Calendar 2018.jpg Read More »

Fix NSW Transport Rally

Feb 12, 2018

Bulletin 11/2018 To:       All RTBU Members, Fix NSW Transport Rally Sydney transport […] Read More »

ARTC Depot Tour

Feb 6, 2018

Bulletin 10/2018 To:       All RTBU ARTC Infrastructure Maintenance Members, As previously notified, […] Read More »

