Sydney Trains Guards: Future Operations Update
Bulletin 12/2018
To: All RTBU Sydney Trains Guard Members,
Sydney Trains Guards: Future Operations Update
Members will recall that as part of the Future Operations project, the Working on a Book Off Day (WOBOD) payment was due to commence on 25th February 2018.
Due to the need for a payroll system changeover, and as this falls in the middle of a fortnight, Sydney Trains requested that the first payment be made the following pay period. That is, the pay received during the fortnight commencing 18th March.
The RTBU has negotiated a revised start date for the WOBOD. This payment will now commence from Sunday 18th February.
Sydney Trains will advise on how to show this payment on your timesheets.
The payment consists of an additional 48% on the day you work. This is in addition to the Excess Shift payment calculated at the end of the fortnight. However it is linked to any sick leave that may be taken within the fortnight.
Issued by: | Authorised by: |
Craig Turner
Branch Senior Vice-President |
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary |