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Roster Clerks Dispute Update

Mar 16, 2018Bulletins

Bulletin 19/2018

To:  RTBU STA Salaried Officers,

In “consultation” meetings over the restructure of Senior and Salaried Officer positions in STA the RTBU has been told consistently that STA is working in a ‘new operating system’ and needs ‘to improve on productivity and efficiency’.

This of course means saving money by cutting jobs.

When asked how cutting staff jobs will allow the same amount of work to be covered, STA says that systems will be improved, including IT systems. The RTBU is still waiting to see these implemented.  Meanwhile members are being asked to ‘improve’ productivity without the system changes having happened!!

One of the areas most affected has been Rostering.

Roster clerk numbers (including relief assistance) have been cut. The time to build rosters has been cut (in some depots almost by half).  The performance of HASTUS, which was barely adequate before the change, is now severely impacting the ability to build rosters in the time allocated.  The workload and pressure on the Roster Clerks has dramatically increased.

Due to the number of complaints received from members the RTBU put the issue into dispute.

Outcome of Step 2 of the dispute:

  1. A review will be conducted across all depots to assess whether the time allocated to build the roster (taking into consideration the lack of performance by HASTUS) is adequate.
  2. The review will be conducted by a subject matter expert (Bruce Richards) and an independent from HR (Jessica Willingham).
  3. The outcome of the review will be available to the Union and members in three weeks.

What should you do as an affected Roster Clerk?

  1. If you can’t meet your rostering deadlines tell your Depot Manager at once – they are paid to manage it, not you.
  2. Only work your allocated hours and take all your breaks – do not complete rosters from home; do not start early and finish late; do not skip lunch; do not work extra hours to complete the roster. If you do this it will affect the outcome of the review.
  3. Any HASTUS issues should be raised with IT through the proper process.
Issued by: Authorised by:
Lizanne Bennett

Industrial Officer

Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

