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Recent News


Jan 11, 2018

MEDIA STATEMENT                      […] Read More »

New transport timetable causing commuter chaos

Jan 9, 2018

The NSW Government’s new train timetable is turning the state’s transport system […] Read More »

Know Your Rights – Holiday Pay

Jan 4, 2018

Bulletin 01/18 To:      All RTBU Sydney Trains Guards Members, We have received […] Read More »

Sydney & NSW Trains Members Win! Changes to Annual Leave Loading Payments

Sydney & NSW Trains Members Win! Changes to Annual Leave Loading Payments

Dec 21, 2017

Bulletin 80 – 2017 To: All RTBU Members, We have had a […] Read More »

Sydney & NSW Trains Members Secure Bank Holiday Rights

Sydney & NSW Trains Members Secure Bank Holiday Rights

Dec 20, 2017

Bulletin 79 – 2017: To: All RTBU Members, We have secured our […] Read More »

Sydney metro disaster at the hands of NSW Gov’ sell off scheme

Dec 19, 2017

Revelations on today’s front page SMH have repeated what transport workers have […] Read More »

Transport delays result of poor timetabling; Commuters urged to respect workers

Dec 12, 2017

  Media release, 12 December 2017 The significant delays experienced across Sydney’s […] Read More »

Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party Media Release – Stop New England Rail Closures

Dec 6, 2017

David Good, spokesperson for the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party Northern Tablelands, is calling […] Read More »

Sydney and NSW Trains – How to vote in the protected action ballot

Dec 6, 2017

You said that you are ready to fight for an Agreement that […] Read More »

Tell Malcolm Turnbull this royal commission must not be used to attack workers’ retirement savings.

Dec 4, 2017

Dear members, Tell Malcolm Turnbull this royal commission must not be used […] Read More »


