RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Recent News

Will you join us in Newcastle on Friday 13 October?

Oct 9, 2017

  RTBU members have had enough. The NSW Transport Minister is attacking […] Read More »

Supporting our colleagues in Norway!

Oct 6, 2017

The RTBU Loco Division is standing with our colleagues in Norway on this issue. Safety should always be the priority and never be sacrificed to cut costs! Read More »

Asbestos in S and V Set Trains

Oct 6, 2017

We have been advised that Asbestos Dust has been discovered in units of S and V set rolling stock. Read More »

PN Intermodal members: VOTE YES!

Oct 6, 2017

Ballots should be appearing in your letterboxes. Members need to be voting yes to ALL the actions on the ballot, putting the ballot in the reply-paid envelope and posting it back without delay. Read More »

Celebrating the life of Kenneth John (Peggy) O’Neill

Oct 6, 2017

22nd June 1951- 18th September 2017 A few days ago we lost […] Read More »

PN propaganda boring, predictable and needs to stop!

Oct 4, 2017

Over the past week, Pacific National management have been emailing and posting propaganda trying to discourage you from taking protected industrial action. Read More »

Time to Come Clean on Safety

Oct 4, 2017

After reports from freight members around the state of ongoing shift breaches, poor fatigue management and other safety issues, your RTBU team submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator. Read More »

Congratulations to PN Bulk & Coal members!

Oct 3, 2017

WE DID IT! PN Bulk & Coal members, congratulations on winning your ballot for a protected action ballot. Read More »

NSW Rail History – the month of September!

Sep 30, 2017

Bob Newham, RTBU passenger organiser, explores some of the incredible history behind NSW rail in the month of September…
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All Aboard for Light on the Hill

Sep 29, 2017

Over the weekend, members, delegates, politicians and the general public joined together on a […] Read More »


