RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Recent News

ARTC Updates

Nov 24, 2017

Members, Please see the latest ARTC EBA Update ARTC – Time to […] Read More »

ARTC Updates

Nov 24, 2017

Dear Members, Please click below links to get the facts on your […] Read More »

“We’re all on this bus together” Tassie Safety Campaign

Nov 21, 2017

The RTBU has proudly launched the first stage of a National Safety […] Read More »

Help us stop the attacks on working people?

Nov 20, 2017

Dear RTBU members, This is an update on the Turnbull government attacks […] Read More »

Parliament debate: Constance shows his true colours

Nov 19, 2017

On Thursday the 16th of November, we packed out Parliament once again […] Read More »

Application for Good Faith Bargaining Orders

Application for Good Faith Bargaining Orders

Nov 17, 2017

Your RTBU negotiating team today filed an application for Good Faith Bargaining […] Read More »

Sydney Trains and NSW Trainlink Guards: Have Your Say on Your EA

Nov 16, 2017

Bulletin 76 – 2017 Sydney Trains and NSW Trainlink Guards: Have Your […] Read More »

ARTC Infrastructure – Have Your Say on the Proposed EA

ARTC Infrastructure – Have Your Say on the Proposed EA

Nov 14, 2017

Bulletin 75 – 2017 After you and your workmates won improvements to […] Read More »

Australian Unions update: Banks aren’t super

Nov 14, 2017

Big banks can’t be trusted with workers’ money.  They’ve been forced to […] Read More »

New Intercity Fleet Project Update

Nov 10, 2017

Bulletin74 – 2017 New Intercity Fleet Project Update Your RTBU project team […] Read More »


