RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Recent News

QUBE EA – getting closer

QUBE EA – getting closer

Jun 30, 2015

It is hoped that an in-principle agreement on the new QUBE enterprise agreement will be reached very shortly. Read More »

Tell Unions NSW about your workers compensation experience

Tell Unions NSW about your workers compensation experience

Jun 29, 2015

Unions NSW is conducting its annual workers compensation survey to track the effects of the State Government’s workers compensation cuts. Read More »

In solidarity with Rosie Batty’s Never Alone campaign

In solidarity with Rosie Batty’s Never Alone campaign

Jun 29, 2015

Never Alone is a campaign to stand with the women and children affected by family violence so that they are supported in the community and have a powerful voice in the corridors of power. Read More »

Update on right of way safety gear

Update on right of way safety gear

Jun 26, 2015

As many of our members working for Sydney Trains would know, management recently trialled a removal of the high-visibility safety vests which are worn by staff when they are performing right of way procedures. Read More »

CSA member survey – what do you think about HUBS/PODS?

CSA member survey – what do you think about HUBS/PODS?

Jun 26, 2015

If you’re a CSA we are running a member survey to find out what you think about HUBS and PODs. Surveys need to be submitted to your local delegate by Monday the 29th or at the latest Tuesday the 30th. Read More »

Excess Travelling Time Paid for Sundays

Excess Travelling Time Paid for Sundays

Jun 26, 2015

State Transit are now paying the Excess Travel Time for Sundays worked at another depot. This payment is being backdated 2 years. Read More »

PN redundancy process lacks transparency

PN redundancy process lacks transparency

Jun 26, 2015

Pacific National has continued to make members redundant involuntarily, forcing the RTBU to lodge a formal dispute with the company. Read More »

Rear door trial: Report your concerns

Rear door trial: Report your concerns

Jun 24, 2015

The rear door trial is now underway and as we reported earlier on Bus Express, the union is concerned about its impacts on drivers and passengers. Read More »

Baird Government’s budget reeks of plan to privatise transport services

Baird Government’s budget reeks of plan to privatise transport services

Jun 23, 2015

The Baird Government must rule out any future plans to privatise the state’s transport services, following revelations in today’s budget that the Government plans to ‘reform’ the delivery of transport services. Read More »

Sydney and NSW trains try to cheat members on public holiday accrual

Sydney and NSW trains try to cheat members on public holiday accrual

Jun 23, 2015

Unions are currently locked in a battle with Sydney and NSW Trains over public holiday accrual.
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