RTBU Express
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Recent News

Creativity suffocated by managerialism and HR

Creativity suffocated by managerialism and HR

Jul 26, 2016

Shelly Gare’s analysis of the rise of Human Resources and managerialism is spot on and it’s what we have seen in our industry. Read More »

Combined Rail Unions Collective Bargaining Update – Members vote YES

Combined Rail Unions Collective Bargaining Update – Members vote YES

Jul 25, 2016

Union Members Vote YES to Access Protected Industrial Action Members of the […] Read More »

Sydney bus drivers celebrated in new video exhibition ‘Bus TV’

Sydney bus drivers celebrated in new video exhibition ‘Bus TV’

Jul 25, 2016

Bus drivers who keep the city moving are at the centre of […] Read More »

Depot Rebalancing Program

Depot Rebalancing Program

Jul 25, 2016

Bulletin 24, 2016 – To: Sydney Trains Guards Members are advised that […] Read More »

Railway workers unite to benefit Sotiriou family

Railway workers unite to benefit Sotiriou family

Jul 22, 2016

RTBU member Gary Pontifex recently raised $3,000 for the family of former RTBU Locomotive Division Vice President (Passenger Section), Depot Organiser and great mate to many, John Sotiriou, who sadly passed away earlier this year.
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Aurizon stoops to new low

Aurizon stoops to new low

Jul 22, 2016

After advertising for train crew at Newcastle last September, a number of Quirindi-based Aurizon employees were told they had been successful and had been given one of the advertised jobs. The manager even phoned to congratulate them and deliver the good news. Read More »

Liberals should come clean with plans to sack drivers and privatise Sydney Trains

Liberals should come clean with plans to sack drivers and privatise Sydney Trains

Jul 21, 2016

No surprises that the Daily Telegraph is going after transport workers as […] Read More »

Media Release – Liberals should come clean with plans to sack drivers and privatise Sydney Trains

Media Release – Liberals should come clean with plans to sack drivers and privatise Sydney Trains

Today’s article ‘Sydney Trains drivers are off the rails with inefficiency’ Daily […] Read More »

Media Release – Resurgence of rock attacks raises bus safety concerns

Media Release – Resurgence of rock attacks raises bus safety concerns

A recent resurgence in attacks on Sydney Buses has renewed calls for […] Read More »

NSW Trains commences new InterUrban Fleet (NIF) discussions

NSW Trains commences new InterUrban Fleet (NIF) discussions

Jul 21, 2016

A meeting occurred today between senior NSW Trains and Transport for NSW representatives and combined driver and guard delegates from the RTBU, to be given an initial broad overview on the introduction of NIF. Read More »

