RTBU Express
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Recent News

Strathfield Signal Box – Meeting with Management Regarding Investigation and Report by Independent

Strathfield Signal Box – Meeting with Management Regarding Investigation and Report by Independent

Feb 18, 2014

Bulletin 8 – To Signallers – A joint management and membership meeting […] Read More »

Given Name Displayed on Identification Badge

Given Name Displayed on Identification Badge

Feb 18, 2014

Bulletin 7 – To Station Staff – The dispute in relation to […] Read More »

Rejection of Kings Cross rail shuttle is a rejection of common sense

Rejection of Kings Cross rail shuttle is a rejection of common sense

Feb 4, 2014

The NSW Government’s rejection of a late night train shuttle to take […] Read More »

TCS to Recommence Vaccination Program

TCS to Recommence Vaccination Program

Jan 24, 2014

The RTBU is pleased to advise that due to the actions of […] Read More »

TCS Knowingly Exposes Employees to Hepatitis A and B

TCS Knowingly Exposes Employees to Hepatitis A and B

Jan 17, 2014

The RTBU recently got word that at some point last year TCS […] Read More »

O’Farrell must come clean on privatisation of our trains by stealth

O’Farrell must come clean on privatisation of our trains by stealth

Jan 13, 2014

The planned out-sourcing of rail cleaning services by the NSW Government signals […] Read More »

Train security: guards need back-up not blame

Train security: guards need back-up not blame

Jan 10, 2014

Passenger security on Sydney’s train network will continue to deteriorate unless the […] Read More »

Fair Work Australia confirms rights to incentive payments each time an offer of VR is made

Fair Work Australia confirms rights to incentive payments each time an offer of VR is made

Jan 7, 2014

On 6th January Fair Work Australia handed down a decision which confirms […] Read More »

