RTBU Express
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TCS to Recommence Vaccination Program

Jan 24, 2014RTBU News

The RTBU is pleased to advise that due to the actions of members raising concerns over the suspension of the vaccination program for Hepatitis A and B, Transport Cleaning Services will be reinstating the program. The RTBU are now in receipt of written confirmation from TCS management advising that any Cleaner who has not completed and/or has never commenced the course of hepatitis vaccinations, will now be offered the injections as a matter of priority.

TCS staff who are due vaccinations will be contacted. TCS has also confirmed that they will work together with the supplier to increase the availability of vaccinations to TCS Staff.

This appears to be another cost savings attempt by management by suspending the vaccination program until after the staff reviews, in order not to have to vaccinate anyone who may exit the Organisation.

Once again, this action by management proves that we must remain vigilant at all times in order to protect ourselves and fellow members. If management are willing to suspend such a vital program and put people’s health at risk just to save a few dollars, what other corners will they cut?

