RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Recent News

ARTC Infrastructure Members: TIME FOR ACTION

Oct 11, 2017

Bulletin 54 – 2017 After a majority of Infrastructure Members at ARTC […] Read More »

Agreement in Principle for Future Operations

Oct 9, 2017

Bulletin 53 – 2017 To: All Sydney Trains Guards RTBU guards members […] Read More »

Station Staff Win on Workload Pressures

Sep 26, 2017

Bulletin 52 – 2017 RTBU Members on the Blue Mountains Line have […] Read More »

Sydney & NSW Trains Salaried Officers and Wages Operations Picnic 2017

Sydney & NSW Trains Salaried Officers and Wages Operations Picnic 2017

Sep 26, 2017

Bulletin 50 – 2017 Tickets for this year’s Picnic Day to be […] Read More »

ARTC Infrastructure Members: Congratulations on PAB Success

Sep 21, 2017

Bulletin 49 – 2017 Congratulations on winning your ballot for a protected […] Read More »

ARTC Infrastructure Members – Vote Now and Vote YES

Sep 14, 2017

Bulletin 48 – 2017 Your delegate team met with management today to […] Read More »

ARTC Infrastructure Members – How to Vote

ARTC Infrastructure Members – How to Vote

Sep 8, 2017

Bulletin 46 – 2017   Ballot papers for your protected action ballot will […] Read More »

ARTC Infrastructure Members: Have You Got Your Ballot Paper?

ARTC Infrastructure Members: Have You Got Your Ballot Paper?

Sep 7, 2017

Bulletin 45 – 2017 Ballot papers for your protected action ballot will […] Read More »

Onboard Staff: Security on Regional Trains (Update)

Onboard Staff: Security on Regional Trains (Update)

Sep 7, 2017

Bulletin 44 – 2017 To: Onboard Staff RTBU Delegates Jo Clark and […] Read More »

Sydney Trains Guards – Future Operations Update

Sydney Trains Guards – Future Operations Update

Aug 31, 2017

Bulletin 42 – 2017 A Sydney Trains Guards Forum was held on […] Read More »

