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RTBU – 2018 union elections notice

Jun 11, 2018Governance News

Nominations for the RTBU elections for National and NSW Branch positions for 2018 have now closed. Nominations may be withdrawn up to, but no later than 5pm on Thursday 2 August 2018.

Below is an overview of the election timeline.

[Update: Please also see the RTBU Election Supplement Deadline Extension letter]

It’s important to remember that the strength and health of our union relies on its democratic structures and decision-making processes.

All members have the opportunity, through democratic elections, to choose the representatives that they believe will best represent their interests and the interests of all RTBU members. Voting in your union’s elections is an important exercise of your demographic rights and responsibilities. the union elections are conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission.

To ensure your union remains democratic all members are urged to vote in the RTBU 2018 election.

Below is an overview of all documentation relating to the election.

Click here to download the information from the AEC.

Click here to download letter sent to candidates by the RTBU NSW Branch.

Click here to download the RTBU Election Supplement Deadline Extension letter

Click here to see the Rail and Road supplement candidate information 

Click here to see the AEC fresh ballots update

Click here to see the fresh ballots declaration 

If you require further information, please contact Noopur Madan, Returning Officer with the AEC on (02) 9375 6321 or you may contact the RTBU office on (02) 9264 2511.

*Please note a spelling error on a ballot paper in the train guards sub-division. Candidate Mr Chris Salisbury, train guard Wollongong, has had his name spelt incorrectly on the ballot. The correct selling is SALISBURY.

If an RTBU member would like a copy of the Post-Election report, please contact the RTBU NSW Office. 

