RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Recent News

Congratulations to delegates trained in Newcastle last week!

Congratulations to delegates trained in Newcastle last week!

Jun 28, 2017

Last week a number of our northern delegates from a cross section of the RTBU participated in our delegate training course in Newcastle. Read More »

Learning from our near-death experience with Aurizon

Learning from our near-death experience with Aurizon

Jun 28, 2017

RTBU National Organiser Leanne Holmes gave a great speech on behalf of RTBU National Secretary Bob Nanva at one of the delegates’ workshops this week. Read More »

Congratulations – RailTrain forced back to the bargaining table!

Congratulations – RailTrain forced back to the bargaining table!

Jun 28, 2017

The RTBU congratulates all its members and Railtrain employees for securing a NO vote. Read More »

Aurizon coal – rosters

Aurizon coal – rosters

Jun 27, 2017

After several complaints regarding rostering practices by Aurizon Coal when sending crew to barracks on behalf of members, the RTBU has lodged a formal dispute with the Fair Work Commission. Read More »

Where are the results?

Where are the results?

Jun 26, 2017

The voting for your RailTrain Enterprise Agreement concluded at 5pm on Wednesday night. Read More »

ARTC Infrastructure Employees Vote NO!

ARTC Infrastructure Employees Vote NO!

Jun 23, 2017

Bulletin 26 – 2017 To All: RTBU Infrastructure Members – ARTC RTBU […] Read More »

Members Log of Claims for the Airport Link Company Enterprise Agreement

Members Log of Claims for the Airport Link Company Enterprise Agreement

Jun 23, 2017

Bulletin 25 – 2017 To All: RTBU Members – Airport Link Company […] Read More »

Penrith Workplace Election

Penrith Workplace Election

Jun 22, 2017

Bulletin 24 – 2017 To: RTBU Members – Cleaners Penrith Yard, I […] Read More »

Alt-unionism and the latest from NZ: The Transport Worker

Alt-unionism and the latest from NZ: The Transport Worker

Jun 22, 2017

Another great issue of the RMTU publication The Transport Worker is now out! Download your copy to read about all the latest from our comrades in New Zealand. Read More »

Sydney Trains delegates endorse continued engagement

Sydney Trains delegates endorse continued engagement

Jun 22, 2017

At the recent Electric Train Drivers Committee meeting, delegates endorsed continued engagement with Sydney Trains in an effort to finalise the Sydney Trains – Drivers Future Operations proposal. Read More »


