We haven’t won yet – peaceful assembly at Port Botany

RTBU reps Bob Hayden, Alex Claassens and John Aquilina
When Hutchinson Ports sacked almost 100 staff via a midnight text message and email, the entire union movement responded by organising a continuous, 24-hour peaceful assembly at Port Botany.
Many RTBU members, delegates and staff joined other unionists throughout the week at Port Botany and the RTBU wants to thank everyone who went out there and showed their support.
Unions immediately reinstated the community assembly at Port Botany when we heard the news and the RTBU once again had a presence there over the weekend.
We cannot let Hutchinson Ports get away with their appalling treatment of workers. This is clearly a strategy to remove unionised workers and replace them with lower-paid, non-unionised staff.
If they get away with this, it will set a dangerous precedent for workers everywhere – including in our own industry.
That’s why it’s so important that as many of us as possible get down to Port Botany again this week.
The RTBU will be organising the peaceful assembly from 2pm-10pm this Wednesday at Gate B150 Sirius Rd, Port Botany (access via Foreshore Rd).
We’re really hoping to show strength in our numbers and I’d encourage all members who can make it to come along.
You can come at any time but we’d particularly appreciate your support on Wednesday.
Here’s the RTBU’s Secretary of Rail Operations Craig Turner at Port Botany: