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Urgent notice to RTBU NSW members from the National Office

Sep 14, 2018News RTBU News

Further to the previous bulletin regarding issues with the NSW RTBU election ballot papers, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has now advised that it intends to conduct a fresh election for a number of positions.

The issues that have been so far identified with the ballots include:

  • Work location for one candidate on one ballot paper is incorrect. Also, some of these ballot papers have a closing date with the year 2014 instead of 2018;
  • Instructions on how to complete the ballot paper are incorrect for one ballot paper;
  • Some voters have received ballot papers they should not have received; and
  • Some voters have not received ballot papers they should have received.

The AEC will conduct fresh elections for the affected positions after 24 September 2018. The elections for the unaffected positions will continue in accordance with the published
timetable, ie postal voting for the unaffected period closes on 24 September.

The RTBU is now seeking clarification from the AEC on specifically which positions it intends to run fresh elections for, and all members will be advised once this has been confirmed. In the meantime, we urge all members to fill out their ballots and return them to the AEC as they normally would.

In Unity,

Allan Barden

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