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Update – Response from NSW TrainLink: Not-Associated Working

Nov 13, 2015Bulletins

Bulletin 60 –

To: RTBU; NSW Train Guard,

“I do not see that the views of the RTBU and NSW Trains to be aligned in the foreseeable future.”

  • Workplace Relations, NSW TrainLink

The RTBU is writing to advise members that we received a document from NSW TrainLink regarding their position about the Not-Associated Working Dispute.

The background to this dispute is as below;

  1. A dispute was raised when NSW TrainLink ceased payment of the Not Associated Working as per clause 117.6(d) pursuant to the NSW Trains Enterprise Agreement 2014. This clause states:

“Train Crew required to work a train for 161 kilometres or more shall, in addition to their minimum payment, be paid for any other duties not associated with that working.”

  1. A number of disputes were raised by RTBU Delegates who supported their position further by referring to the Wages Traffic and Per Way Award, 1960.

The document from NSW Trains outlines the various points where there is no agreement. It is noted that there is a wide difference of views between the RTBU and NSW Trains positions.

The RTBU will be having discussions with your delegates to seek further guidance on how and where to progress this matter. The RTBU encourages members to give feedback to their local delegates via email to allow us to collect all the information.

Further correspondence will be sent out within the next seven days to update you all on the next steps.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Helen Bellette


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary


