Bulletin No. 15.22
To: All RTBU Members – Rail Divisions
Members would be aware that union fees have not increased for some years due to the stagnation of wage increases with our major public sector employers.
In September our Branch Council noted the increasing costs faced by our union in recent times due to the constant attacks on our membership by the hostile government and private sector employers which have resulted in increases related to the industrial/legal costs of defending and improving our member’s rights.
As result, Branch Council decided that we would need to increase our union dues by a modest amount as detailed below:
The new rates that will be in effect as from the first pay period after 1 January 2023.
RAIL – FULL TIME: $24.70 per fortnight
RAIL – PART-TIME/CASUAL/APPRENTICE: $17.30 per fortnight
If you are paying by payroll deductions or direct debit you do not have to do anything as we will advise your pay master or financial institution.
The Executive and Staff wish all Members and their families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Click HERE to download this bulletin.

Issued and Authorised By:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary