Travel allowance win for guards

Feb 4, 2020News

Three Central Intercity Train Guards have had a big win recently, ensuring they received the full excess travel they were entitled to.

The guards were appointed at Newcastle Interchange Depot but not released for a number of months. The guards worked with the RTBU to pursue their claim, filing a Notice of Dispute in order to get the guards back-paid the full amount of excess travel they deserve.

“Just wanted to say a big massive thanks to the Union, to Mick Sullivan, Mick Cartwright, Craig Turner and whoever else worked on getting the excess travel approved as a resolution to our Notice Of Dispute regarding Guards’ transfer rights being violated. All my excess travel, including backdated claims, have now been paid. The final bill for management was an excellent total of $12,083.00 in excess travel payments for me personally. This is a great victory the Union secured for workers.” – impacted guard, RTBU member.

