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Transport for NSW Member Bulletin- The latest Wage Offer from Transport – Not Good Enough

Oct 18, 2024News

Bulletin No. 21.24

Dear Members

As you may have heard the Public Service Association (PSA), and the NSW State Government have done a deal on public sector wages for the next 3 years.

The PSA have accepted:

  • 4% in the first year back dated to 1 July 2024  
  • 3% in the second year; and
  • 3% in the third year.

This deal was done without consultation with other Transport Unions.

Our Delegates and Bargaining Team believe this deal falls short in multiple areas:

  • The money on offer doesn’t maintain the value of your wages.
  • The deal contains a “No Extra Claims” clause that would extinguish our other claims on conditions including abolishing the forfeiture of flex which we have always believed is wage theft.
  • Acceptance of the deal would mean all other proceedings unions have against Transport for NSW in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) would have to be discontinued.

The RTBU Bargaining Team along with other Transport Unions have been enjoying some level of success in the recent IRC proceedings and have more confidence in getting a fair go from the IRC than from Transport bosses.

RTBU Members at the Transport Management Centre (TMC) have this week rejected the deal and there will be a Transport for NSW wide member meeting next week to give a more detailed report and canvas the views of RTBU members.

Please join us on Thursday, 24 October 2024 at 2pm. To join click here.

Please make every effort to attend.

Issued by:                                           Authorised by:
Craig Turner                                        Toby Warnes
Branch Organiser                               Branch Secretary

Click HERE to download bulletin.

