Transport for NSW – Award Negotiations

May 7, 2014News

The Award Negotiations are progressing slowly.  Maryanne Stuart (RTBU, Head Office) and Phillip Friend (Lee Street, RTBU Representative) are sitting on the negotiating team.

Based on the survey presented to members last year, the combined unions are pursing the claim for:

  • 2.5% from July 2014
  • Consultation Clause – 8 – to be expanded upon.  Outlining the processes and the representation required for managing change in the organization – TfNSW reviewing.

Our further claims have been:

  • One year agreement
  • Graduates Clause – this is New – TfNSW have agreed in principle.
  • TFNSW wants a 2 year agreement and the inclusion of a Casual employee’s clause.

We believe this will lead to TfNSW employing at peak times only.  The Unions disagree with the need for casuals to be introduced to TfNSW.  Currently, temporary and part-time employment is included in the Award.

There are many experienced and knowledgeable employees displaced who should be considered prior to any additional employment classification/employment of ‘outside’ workers sought by TfNSW.

This is NOT in line with your survey results of 2013.

Next meeting is:  Thursday 15 May

URGENT:  please contact Maryanne Stuart if you wish to be kept up-to-date with the TfNSW award negotiations.With the reforms/relocations/transfers – the union head office MUST be notified of your new work location and NEW employer. 

Contact details for Maryanne are:  0425 498 811


TfNSW – TSS RailCorp Payroll Redesign

Graham Fozzard & Maryanne Stuart (RTBU Head Office) have been meeting with members and their managers at Burwood, to discuss the proposed Redesign of Work Allocation Procedure (Non-SAP).  Multiple versions of the procedure have been circulating.

Our members in TfNSW Payroll are being told to report to a Team with a Team Leader to be given ‘clients’ for the day to process.

Members concerns are in regards to:

  • The proposal for Payroll officers to be expected to work with an unfixed/uncapped allocation of workers. These workers could be from any organization/paid under numerous industrial instruments.
  • Insufficient training proposed to fulfill the requirements of the new procedure.  Substantive training will need to be provided (with employees consultation) to ensure all Payroll Officers have full understanding & knowledge of the appropriate pay & conditions for all workers.

TfNSW champions that:

“Statistics for week ending 29/03 showed 206 calls and 235 emails with a 20.9% resolution rate. The improved resolution rate is attributed to the stabilisation of staffing levels. The number of emails should reduce with the implementation of the group email addresses.”

One wonders what the statistic was prior to the collation of this data?

Members have been collectively campaigning to place the procedure on hold until all their concerns have been addressed satisfactorily.

Any payroll problems you encounter at your workplace/depot are to be reported to Maryanne/Graham, RTBU Head Office so we can advise the employer.  TfNSW needs to know that the concerns with their changes/reforms in payroll is resulting in wide spread turmoil.Maryanne – 0425 498 811Graham – 0400 305 066


