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Sydney & NSW Trains: The ballot results are in

Mar 24, 2018

The results of the ballot for Sydney Trains and NSW Trains are in.

At Sydney Trains, 6525 employees voted on the new Agreement (9707 ballot papers were issued) and almost 52.8% voted yes.

At NSW Trains, 1379 employees voted on the new Agreement (2007 ballot papers were issued) and 50.8% voted yes.

Votes were counted in front of an RTBU NSW Branch scrutineer.

This means that the Enterprise Agreements you voted on will become your industrial instrument, once approved by the Fair Work Commission.

In the meantime, management has indicated that the 3% pay increase will be effective from the declaration of the ballot, once the agreement is approved by the FWC.

As the Agreement has been voted up, all industrial action needs to now stop. You should go back to wearing whatever was the status quo for your role prior to 15th March. If you are on shift when you read this bulletin, you will need to go back to the status quo for clothing and badges from the beginning of your next shift.

We’ve come a long way in the negotiations from where we started in June 2017, and it’s been anything but easy.

The votes were tight. The only thing very clear about all of this is that the Transport Minister has completely lost the confidence of the workforce and he’s got a lot of work to do to fix the mess he’s got himself into.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please speak to your local delegate, or call the RTBU NSW Office on 02 9264 2511.

In Solidarity,

Your RTBU team.

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