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The Truth about the NIF’s In-Cab Camera

Nov 13, 2020News

Bulletin No. 63.20

Members will have seen the NSW Trains document concerning in-cab cameras on the NIF dated 13 November 2020 addressed to all NSW TrainLink train crew. This nonsense promoted by NSW Trains about the in-cab camera is unsurprising, however it is important that we know the facts.

  • The RTBU opposes the use on an inward facing in-cab camera and it is currently in dispute. Any suggestion that the camera “will be on at all times” or “it will be recording footage” misrepresents the actual situation as the issue is yet to be finalised.
  • Consultation on the use of in-cab cameras was never finalised. NSW Trains put its position and decided that this was enough without seriously considering the adverse impacts it would have on their employees. Further, consultation cannot conclude until the dispute is finalised.
  • The in-cab camera is not subject to “strict controls on access and use”. Amongst those that can access the footage are:
  • Anyone in the general public through freedom of information laws
    • Parties to Court proceedings through subpoenas
    • Law enforcement
    • Sydney Trains, ARTC, John Holland (i.e. rail infrastructure managers)
    • Regulators
    • Network Services Coordination Centre staff
    • Third party contracted maintenance staff
    • Managers, some of whom will have Remote Access
    • Anyone that that NSW Trains management wishes to see the footage
  • Currently if train crew become unwell and/or are involved in a fatality situation, there is another person on the train to assist. NSW Trains seems to believe that an in-cab camera will enable them to “better respond and co-ordinate emergency services quickly”. This is patently untrue and insulting for our hardworking members. They are clearly not concerned for your mental or physical safety at work.

Remember, if NSW Trains is telling you that something is good for you, then it probably isn’t so make sure  you send it to NIF@rtbu-nsw.asn.au and we will fact check it.

Please click HERE to download the bulletin.

Issued & Authorised By:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

