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Taylor Rail NSW Enterprise Agreement 2015

Nov 11, 2015Bulletins

Bulletin 59 –

To: All RTBU NSW Taylor Rail Members

Members have been inundating the NSW Branch with calls about the renewal of the current Taylor Rail Enterprise Agreement.

I can report that RTBU Officials and workplace Delegates have been in negotiation with the Company now for several months working through both the RTBU and the Company’s Log of Claims. Meetings to date have been very few and far between. The following major issues are in contention;

  • Current Agreement negotiations are dragging on very slowly despite the current Agreement expiring on the 22nd July 2015
  • The Company is demanding that all workers become rostered weekend workers. NOTE: The current industrial protections are that members can only be rostered by ‘mutual agreement’ and can withdraw that agreement at any time
  • The Company is seeking to pay all rostered work on a Saturday at 150%. NOTE: Currently Saturday’s are paid at 150% for the first 2 hours and then 200% thereafter with any work after midday paid at 200% regardless
  • The Company is seeking to change the current Rostering Guidelines that protect members when undertaking rostering by agreement
  • The Company is seeking to remove the current Counselling and Disciplinary Policy from the protection of the Agreement into a company policy document
  • The Company is offering a 2% pa pay rise
  • The Company has advised that they are prepared to offer an instant additional week’s annual leave if members agree to rostering. NOTE: Current EA provisions already provide for an additional week’s annual leave on a ‘pro-rata’ basis when working rostered shifts
  • The Company has advised that they are prepared to offer a ‘roster allowance’ for working Saturday’s so that no-one will be financially worse off
  • The Company is using the ‘back pay’ carrot as a means to try and secure quick, major changes to existing industrial arrangements

These negotiations have the potential to dramatically alter your work and family life balance, not to mention your ability to earn a fair and decent income. With a potential 3 year Agreement ahead, your RTBU representatives will not be pressured into making rash or hasty decisions.

Anyone with further questions, concerns or feedback about any of the issues raised above should contact RTBU Workplace Delegate Raymond Smith or NSW RTBU State Organiser, Luke Hayden.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Luke Hayden


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

