Taylor Rail EBA Update No.1

Oct 21, 2020News

Bulletin No: 59.20

To: All RTBU Taylor Rail Members,

In September 2020, members at Taylor Rail met with RTBU officials in Dubbo to discuss the proposal to renegotiate your expired Taylor Rail enterprise agreement.

At the meeting it was agreed that management would be approached commence the process.

On 16 September 2020, the RTBU wrote to Taylor Rail management to see that bargaining commence as soon as practicable. On 29 September 2020, a meeting with was held with Taylor Rail to discuss a time frame to progress the matter.

It was agreed that the Union would consult with members and send through a list of proposed discussion points to Taylor Rail no later than 3 November 2020.

You can either fill out this survey, online at this link https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MJQQ5SD

Alternatively a paper version is attached for you to complete and return to wmoody@rtbu-nsw.asn.au Members are encouraged to complete the survey and ask your fellow workers to join the RTBU to build our collective strength.

Issued by:
Wayne Moody
Authorised by:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

Click HERE to download the bulletin and survey.

