Sydney Trains Reinstates Rostered Standbys on the Special Master Roster Period
Bulletin 55, 2016 –
To: RTBU Sydney Trains Guard Members,
There was consultation with Guard Delegates in relation to the Special Master Roster covering the period of the 25th December 2016 through to the 7th January 2017.
The Guard Delegates agreed to the roster that showed Rostered Standbys working on public holidays.
But when the period roster was posted for the dates above, it showed the Rostered Standbys as booked off on the public holidays.
Guard members objected to this and contacted their Guard Delegates.
The Guard Delegates raised this matter with the managers of Train Crewing and as a consequence, Train Crewing agreed to reinstate the Rostered Standbys to the originally agreed roster. This being;
“Guards who are shown as SBY in the main lines of the special master roster on public holidays, and have subsequently been shown as HOL in the period roster, will be reverted back to SBY. These main line Guards on SBY will have the option of clearing their public holidays as HOL, and can do so by contacting their rostering officers.”
It is important that Guards that still wish to have the public holidays off contact their rostering officer to have their roster amended to public holiday not required.
Issued by: | Authorised by: |
Michael Cartwright
Organiser |
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary |