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Sydney Trains reform – further update

Sep 23, 2015Loco Express

The RTBU Locomotive Division and the Train Guards Sub-Division met with Sydney Trains on the 22nd September 2015 in relation to the train crew reform process.

The RTBU stated the feedback from members regarding data spreadsheets was confusing and that there was a lack of detail on the proposals and the broader understanding of what is being said.

The RTBU provided a list of questions regarding further clarification from Sydney Trains on how they arrived at the numbers, percentages and breakdown of the spread sheets that were released to members.

Discussions were held around the following:

  •  The Aggregation of allowances contained in clause 12.1 with Sydney Trains being asked to put forward their case outlining how and when the process is to apply for the aggregation of allowances.
  • The application of lift up / lay back, kilometer / mileage payments and various other allowances if the applicable payments are aggregated’
  • The potential for different aggregate allowance outcomes for Drivers and Guards. E.g. recognising the drivers extra mileage payment and the guard’s security allowances.
  • The flexibility within rostering with no detail given on how this would/could be achieved.

There will be an RTBU delegates meeting held on the 14/10/2015 to receive a detailed outline on the discussion to date, seek guidance and direction on a way forward and get any feedback that members have given.

Members should also understand that unless they hear it from their Union it is probably a rumour and they should contact their Delegate and or Divisional Office to get the facts.

The RTBU has created a dedicated email address: sydneytrainsreform@rtbu-nsw.asn.au for members should they have any questions.

Download the Footplate here.

