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Sydney Trains’ Management – An “Ugly Reflection”

Mar 25, 2015News

Bulletin 19 – 2015

To: All Sydney Trains Members,

Members are advised that the RTBU has been contacted several times recently by members that have been the target of aggressive actions by their managers, including bullying, threatening and demeaning behaviour and harassment. These reports of inappropriate behaviour have been raised with Sydney Trains’ management only to be played down or rejected out of hand by senior management.

In the last few weeks alone the Union has been made aware of several of incidents involving middle level managers against members. These include “actual” physical assault by a manager and threats of physical harm as well as verbal abuse, using extremely inappropriate language.

However, when investigating these incidents the managers accused are allowed to continue in their positions untouched. Whereas when reports of this nature are about our members, they are stood down immediately or removed from their positions, pending the outcome of the investigation, which by a coincidence, usually results in the allegation being “substantiated”.

The attitude and behaviour of managers in an organisation is a direct reflection of the leadership of that organisation.

In fact there are two distinctly different ways of treating allegations, those against management and those against members. This clearly displays a total lack of equality and application of the Code of Conduct. A report against a manager results in little action. A report against a member results in investigation and discipline.

Senior Sydney Trains management refuse to acknowledge that some of their managers do bully, harass and act inappropriately towards their employees, in total ignorance of the “Anti-Bullying Legislation’ and their own Policies. This is tantamount to condoning this inappropriate behaviour. In addition, Sydney Trains are demonstrating that Management do not believe that legislation and policies apply to them.

Members should not have to contend with managers acting in contravention of the Anti-Bullying legislation and/or the Code of Conduct. Members should always report to WorkCover and record ALL incidents of this nature. Where necessary immediately report incidents of assault to the Police and where applicable to the Injury Hotline.

We Can Stop Management Bullying – Report it – Don’t Ignore it

Issued by:

Graham Fozzard


Authorised by:

Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

