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Sydney Trains Future Operations Update – Train Guards

Jun 30, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 27 – 2017

To: RTBU Train Guards – Sydney Trains

Members are advised that at the recent Train Guards Sub-Division meeting, delegates from all depots were updated as to the progress of the Future Operations discussions.

As previously stated in RTBU Members Bulletin No.13 on 28 April 2017, items being finalised relate to the following:

  • Guards owning their book off days
  • The aggregation of cab/security allowance into the hourly rate and thus paid for all purposes
  • The creation of a working on Book off Day (WOBOD) payment for overtime, funded by guards practice drives and the Train guards Depot Relief ratios of 1:4.2
  • Guard swap process will mirror that of the drivers
  • The “On Loan” clause in the Guards from all depots to apply for on loan or permanent transfers

As a consequence of the removal of the practice drive, the Guards primary role will be to administer First Aid / CPR, training will be included in the Guards Rostering and Working Arrangements (GRAWA).

Currently RTBU and Sydney Trains have been seeking legal advice to finalise the wording of the Agreement in-principle document before it goes to members for a vote. The Agreement in-principle document will enact the required changes to our GRAWA and EA should this package be voted up by members.

Once the Agreement in-principle document is finalised and approved, a depot tour will be arranged to allow members to understand and ask questions about the proposed changes prior to a vote taking place.

Members will be kept updated as we get closer to finalisation.

In Unity!


