Sydney Trains – Future Operations Reform

Aug 19, 2015Bulletins

Bulletin 44 –

To: RTBU Guard Members,

As previously advised your Divisional Executive met today with Sydney Trains to be briefed on their (Sydney Trains) “Future Operations” reform project with the majority of issues being linked to Clause 12.1.and 12.2 of the Sydney Trains 2014 Enterprise Agreement.

Only a very broad (not detailed) dot point presentation was given on how Sydney Trains wanted to commence a conversation with Train Crew about “Future Operations” within Sydney Trains and what they see as the need to reform current entitlements / work practices.

At the end of the meeting, we were advised by Sydney Trains that they had already produced an Employee Information Pack which they intended to distribute from this afternoon via Area and Shift Managers.

This information which is being distributed to members by Sydney Trains was produced in advance by Sydney Trains without any involvement of the RTBU or Your Executive.

A further meeting of your RTBU Train Crew Executive and Delegates will be held on the 26th August for Sydney Trains Management to brief Delegates from all depots of their proposals and how they wanted to commence a conversation with Train Crew about Future Operations reform!

This initial meeting is the first of what is envisaged to be a long process of meetings between the parties.

Members will always be kept informed of, asked for feedback on and ultimately drive and own the process and any outcome.


Issued & Authorised by:

Robert Hayden

Assistant Branch Secretary – Rail

