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Sydney Trains Dwell Management Staff Reviews

Dec 23, 2020News

BULLETIN No: 67.20

To: RTBU Station Staff Members,

In December, Sydney Trains Management informed Station Staff atWynyard, Town Hall, Hornsby, Epping, Chatswood, and Central about their intent to regrade fixed, part-time employees into general relief positions. 

In pursuing this proposal, Management has failed to follow the staff review process or provide a business case for the proposed changes.

There are also concerns that this is an attempt to bypass the EA’s home station clause by forcing members onto the general relief roster. 

After discussion with members, we lodged a dispute under Clause 23 of the Sydney Trains Enterprise Agreement, which compelled Sydney Trains to meet with Officials and Delegates on Friday, December 18

At the meeting, it became clear that the proposal by Sydney Trains management completely lacked utility and failed to:

  • Provide a business case that justified the proposed change.
  • Consider the roles and responsibilities of members
  • Show any form of risk assessment
  • Provide any reason or justification for the review.

We informed Management that we could not accept or participate in a discussion until they provide a business case to support their proposal.

While Management committed to sharing some information, they made it very clear they would not provide the full range of information requested as they believed some of it was “irrelevant”.

When we get the information from management, we will provide an update to members.

We have put Sydney Trains on notice that we will escalate accordingly. 

What happens now: 

As we have a dispute in motion the status-quo applies, meaning that work should continue without change until members agree to any proposal

We understand some members’ rosters have been changed without consultation, and we advise that you are entitled to continue to work on your current roster.

If your roster has been changed contact your rostering officer and advise them, you want to return to your regular roster. If you run into any barriers, contact your local delegate or the Union office. 

If any of your workmates are not members of the RTBU, now is the time to join so we can respond in unity.

  Issued by:
Trent Hunter
  Authorised by:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

Click HERE to download the bulletin.

