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Station Staff HSRs – Can choose their own Training Provider

Jul 8, 2020Bulletins

Bulletin No. 34.20

To: Rail Tram and Bus Union – Sydney Trains Station Staff Members.

For the past few months, we have been fighting Sydney Trains over their refusal to allow HSRs to choose their own preferred HSR training provider, which is their legal right.

HSRs need to be able to choose the best training providers for their important work. Under Section 72 of the WHS Act 2011, Sydney Trains must let HSRs choose the Registered Training Organisation (RTO).We advised Sydney Trains that there have been amendments to the WHS Act which made it clear that the HSR is entitled to choose their own training provider. These changes were made to to minimise disputes between the PCBU and HSRs over choice of training providers so that HSRs would receive their training promptly and carry out their roles effectively.

Day after day the HSRs have stood together with their delegate Terry Johnson telling Sydney Trains management that they wished to be trained through the ACTU and SafeWork accredited RTO, HOSTA. Time and time again Sydney Trains rejected this and asked HSRs to choose a provider from their procurement list. Our delegate and the HSRs stood strong and Sydney Trains eventually agreed to meet with them.

At the meeting Sydney Trains finally conceded and the HSRs who requested HOSTA as their training provider are now allowed to be trained by them. This is a big win because HSRs stood collectively together and exercised their rights.

We would like to congratulate all HSRs for their dedication and determination in pursuing this matter.

This would not have been possible without members sticking together!

Any questions, queries, or concerns please contact your organiser on (02) 9264 2511.

If you are not an RTBU member, JOIN THE UNION TODAY! Together we are stronger!

To join, contact our membership services team on (02) 9264 2511 or email at nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

Issued by:Authorised by:
Trent Hunter
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

Click here to download the bulletin.

