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Station Staff: Disability Allowance Win!

Oct 13, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 55 – 2017

RTBU Members have had an important win with successful disability allowance assessments at a number of stations. Together, we told management that assessments had to be completed to address the additional workplace challenges for members caused by disruptive major works.

If an assessment finds disruption above a certain level, members get additional compensation. Management had been delaying and avoiding assessments at many stations but after RTBU members stuck together to insist the assessments were completed, management finally listened.

This week six stations were assessed by the Disability Assessment Team consisting of staff members and management. We were represented by Terry Johnston, a CSA RTBU Delegate.

These six stations were all successfully assessed and will now receive an additional allowance.

Pendle Hill Seven Hills  










More stations will be visited in the coming weeks.

Is your station being upgraded now or preparing for an upgrade? If yes, please contact your RTBU Organiser Trent Hunter 0400 234 594 today for support organising an assessment of the impact of that disruption.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Trent Hunter


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

