SPECIAL ELECTION NSW Trains Central Station – Call for Workplace Delegate Nominations
Bulletin No. 4.21
Workplace Delegates are the key to the strength of the Rail Tram and Bus Union (RTBU). The role of delegate is challenging, varied, and exciting.
Delegates are the face of the RTBU who want to become more active in the union because they are passionate about creating a better workplace and improving the lives of their workmates.
As a delegate you will be provided training and support to assist you with your delegate duties. You will also be linked up with other RTBU delegates within the cleaning area and other divisions.
Delegates are vital to the RTBU winning change because they are the workplace leaders who are the driving force behind keeping members strong and united.
In accordance with Rule 106 of the Rules of the Australian Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union, the RTBU is calling for nominations to fill workplace delegate positions in the following areas:
- Central Station – NSW Trains – Customer Service Luggage Room
- Central Station – NSW Trains – Platforms CSAs and CSTLs
- Central Station – NSW Trains – Cleaners
If any of the above positions receive 2 or more nominations, a local election will be held to determine the delegate.
The details are as below:
Nominations Open: 8.00am Monday, 25th January 2021
Nominations Close: 4.00pm Friday, 5 February 2021
Returning Officer: Terry Missingham
To nominate, please return the attached form to nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au or to Head Office or call your organiser Craig Turner for more information.
Issued by: Craig Turner Organiser | Authorised by: Alex Claassens Branch Secretary |
Please click HERE to download the nomination form.