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Signallers Demand Reinstatement of Shuttle Bus Service

Feb 11, 2020Bulletins

Bulletin: 3.20

To: Rail, Tram and Bus Union – Sydney Trains Area Controllers and Signallers Staff Members.

Sydney Trains have discontinued the shuttle bus service that runs from Redfern Station to the Rail Operations Centre (ROC). This decision was made without consultation with the RTBU Signallers Sub-Division or other affected areas.

This is an outrageous backflip on the commitment given by Sydney Trains prior to the ROC being populated and commissioned.

The commitment for a shuttle bus came after hardfought negotiations by RTBU delegates in the ROC working group with Sydney Trains.

The shuttle bus was initially intended for those that utilised the overflow carpark at Redfern Station but evolved into a service for all employees departing the train at Redfern as a quick form of transport from the station to the ROC by employees.

When the Signallers Sub-Division were advised of this decision, they immediately lodged a dispute and launched a survey to ask the membership what they thought.

A huge thank you to the membership for completing this survey in such a speedy manner as it ensured that the RTBU had a clear position prior to entering into any meeting with Sydney Trains. There were 100+ responses to the survey of which 96% indicated they wanted to retain the shuttle bus.

On the 31 January 2020 a disputes meeting was held with Sydney Trains where they agreed that they only consulted with the TSDMs and the NIMS about the unilateral change. However, Sydney Trains disagreed with the RTBU in relation to reinstating the shuttle bus.

The matter remains in dispute. Sydney Trains have a clear obligation to consult under clause 7 – consultation of the Enterprise Agreement.

The RTBU’s next steps are to:

  • Petition all members in order to pressure Sydney Trains to reinstate the shuttle bus. Please click on the link below to take you straight to the petition that we are sending through to Sydney Trains.


  • Continue on through the dispute’s settlement procedure. This involves providing a written submission of the RTBU’s position with supporting documents.

In the event members have any comments or questions please speak with your local delegate.

Issued By:
Helen Bellette
Branch Organiser
Authorised By:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

Click here to download the bulletin.

