RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Shutdown – Loco Member Meetings Newcastle

Aug 15, 2017Loco Express

Wednesday 16th August


An organizer will be attending Freightliner’s scheduled safety meeting during lunch to catch up with members.

Thursday 17th August – Carrington Bowling Club

Pacific National – 11am
Agenda – PN EA and current Protected Action Ballot Application

Aurizon – 1pm
Agenda – General business, Roster Dispute, and Intermodal Sale.

Any other members are welcome to come along and catch up during breaks / lunch etc. All members that are off duty are urged to attend.

The venue offers their premises for free, so please take the opportunity to try their bistro out for lunch or have a coffee / beverage. Any food or drinks including coffee must be purchased on the premises.

ARE YOUR DETAILS UP TO DATE? – It is important that all members keep their details up to date with the union. If you have changed your address, email, phone, job, employer etc, you must let us know so we can send you information and your details are correct for any official ballots or protected actions.

Enquiries: Greg Cameron, 02 49 694665 E: gcameron@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

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