Shift manager training dispute

May 14, 2015Loco Express

The Loco Division recently received information of a plan to have Sydney Trains Shift Managers “up-skilled” in train faults and failures. 

This matter was obviously placed straight into dispute as these managers are designated “non-operational” employees and any change to that status or the associated position description must be appropriately consulted with the RTBU.

As members will be aware, the previous changes to Sydney Trains business model removed large numbers of the previous Operations Standards Manager role and replaced it with the non operational Shift Manager role. This role was always intended to contain the HR elements of the previous OSM role with limited numbers of Standards Managers remaining to do the operational aspects.

The deviation away from the original intended role raises obvious concerns, particularly when it is planned to have Shift Managers trained in the duties of drivers and guards.

Members will be kept informed as this matter progresses.

