School children left behind

Apr 8, 2015Bus Express

Screen Shot 2015-04-08 at 4.59.16 pmIn some parts of Newcastle the shortage of buses in the area has meant that children are being left behind after school because the buses scheduled to pick them up are too full.

When once a full sized bus came to pick up the children, now a smaller and older bus is used which takes up to 17 fewer students than the previous buses did.

This is leading to school children being left behind or forced to find another mode of transport, causing a hassle for families and teachers.

This is potentially a safety risk and needs to be immediately addressed by providing more bus services in these areas.

A shortage of buses has been an issue in the Newcastle area for some time, but the problem appears to be getting worse.

The RTBU has raised these concerns with management and we’ll be watching this closely.

