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RTBU Update: Metro Trains Sydney (MTS) Letter of Offer Deadline

Mar 7, 2019Bulletins

Bulletin 22/19

To: All RTBU Metro Trains Sydney Members.


RTBU Update: Metro Trains Sydney (MTS) Letter of Offer Deadline


As members would be aware, the RTBU recently wrote to Metro Trains Sydney (MTS) outlining our concerns with the new contracts of employment being given to employees and members with a looming deadline (6 March 2019) by which employees were expected to sign and return these documents. We understood that not only were some employees given more time than others to contemplate the revised contracts, but also that the details were not properly explained and that members were being told they would lose their jobs if they failed to return the signed contracts. The RTBU also raised concerns about the coverage of the greenfields agreement in that it is our view that there is a possibility of another agreement that still applies to those employees who were employed by Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM) and seconded to MTS.


MTS have since advised the RTBU that there will be no repercussions for members not signing the documentation. This means that for those who don’t wish to sign up to the new contract will not forfeit any back-pay or have their employment terminated.


This is a huge win for RTBU members – it is evident that members have placed enough pressure on MTS and brought to light all of the associated issues with the new contracts. Congratulations to all members and delegates involved – this win was only possible because we stuck together and showed MTS we are united!


The RTBU will be out at MTS every day this week to continue discussions with members and to gain approval from RTBU members at MTS in relation to a new industrial strategy that we have devised that will ensure that all MTS members have fair conditions of employment.


Remember: the RTBU is advising members and employees to refrain from signing any documentation from MTS regarding the greenfields agreement. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please contact the RTBU on (02) 9264 2511 or email metro@rtbu-nsw.asn.au.  Not a member? Then join today! This is this best opportunity for everyone to become an RTBU Member to achieve the best possible outcome for your Enterprise Agreement. If you have any questions, please email thunter@rtbu-nsw.asn.au or contact the RTBU Head Office on (02) 9264 2511.



Issued and Authorised by:

Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

