RTBU Media Release: Transport workers question unaccounted $84 million
Today transport workers are asking the NSW Government to explain exactly why there has been an additional $84 million of taxpayer money awarded to a private company for their transport network, as reported in the Newcastle Herald today.
The Rail Tram and Bus Union’s Tram and Bus Division Secretary, David Babineau, said that this is another example of the NSW Government showing disrespect for the commuters, workers and taxpayers of Newcastle.
“The NSW Government ought to be transparent with the community and explain what’s happened here. We deserve answers.
“It’s time taxpayers are shown the respect and honesty they deserve, after all, this is their money.
“We’re talking about $84 million that the NSW Government didn’t account for in the original contract.
“They are either completely incompetent and totally forgot to include inflation, or there is something else going on here that they’re not telling us.
“The NSW Government continues to make decisions without consulting the Newcastle community.” Mr Babineau said.