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RTBU Election Update

Sep 25, 2018RTBU News

As previously advised, a number of issues have been found with the ballots for the NSW Branch elections. The AEC has advised that counting for a number of elected positions has been put on hold while a decision is made on whether or not to recontest those ballots.


The positions for which counting has been suspended are:


  • NSW Branch Secretary (NSW1)
  • NSW Branch Delegates to the National Council Locomotive (N7)
  • NSW Rail Operations Train Guards Hornsby Maintenance Centre (R4) depot Sub Divisional Secretary
  • NSW Rail Operations Metropolitan District Branch Division Delegates to Branch Council (R7)
  • Locomotive Division ETR/Railcorp Group 2 – One Sub Divisional Representative on Branch Divisional Committee (Council) (L4).


Counting for all other positions will proceed as planned. Members will be advised of the AEC’s decision regarding the suspended ballots as soon as possible.


In unity,



Allan Barden

Assistant National Secretary


Please click here for the PDF version.

