RTBU Election Supplement Deadline Extension

Aug 3, 2018News

Please click here to download the letter relating to the RTBU election supplement deadline extension or read below.



3rd August 2018

RTBU Election Supplement Deadline Extension

Dear Candidate,


Further to our correspondence last week regarding the compilation of an Election Supplement of the Rail and Road. I would like to advise that the deadline has been extended to 5.00pm next Friday, 10th August 2018. This supplement is to provide candidates in the union elections the opportunity to submit a photograph and / or written material in support of their candidacy.


In providing an equal opportunity for all candidates the material will be limited to between 200 – 225 words (maximum) per candidate. A team of candidates may submit combined material for the team candidates, not exceeding one page (maximum of 500 words). Each candidate may also supply a photo of themselves for inclusion in this material. All written material and photos should be supplied in electronic format (text ideally in Word format and photos as jpeg attachments, and not included in the Word document) and forwarded to Peter O’Connor at unionnetwork@bigpond.com


The compilation of this supplement is a very labour intensive and time consuming process, so hard copies of text or photos will not be accepted. I also urge all candidates to keep their submissions within the word limit, as it is not appropriate for this material to be edited. Any submissions exceeding the word limit will be returned to candidate to amend, time allowing.


The only exclusions from this Election Supplement will be any material containing personally abusive or potentially legally unacceptable content, or material exceeding the word limit.


The final deadline for any material to be included in the Supplement must be 5.00pm Friday 10 August 2018.


The Election Supplement will be distributed to members immediately prior to ballots opening on 3 September 2018.


Candidates are reminded that during the current election period it is an offence to use union property or resources of the Union in any electioneering and if found to be doing so may be the subject of disciplinary action which could lead to removal from office and/or termination of employment.


Yours Sincerely,



