RTBU Bus General Election
The Rail Tram & Bus Union, Australia wide will be undergoing an election across all areas for all positions. This election will be conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission.
In essence the election is divided into 3 sections:
- National Positions (Postal Ballot)
- State Branch Positions (Postal Ballot)
- Tram & Bus Divisional positions (Attendance Ballot)
National positions, Branch positions and some Branch Divisional positions other than Tram & Bus Division, will be conducted by postal ballot.
Tram & Bus Divisional positions across Australia will be conducted by attendance ballot at your workplace.
The postal ballot for National & Branch positions will commence on Monday 3 November 2014 and close at 5.00pm Monday 24 November 2014. Eligible members will receive separate ballot papers for National positions and NSW Branch positions from the Australian Electoral Commission in the mail, on or about Monday 3 November 2014. The AEC will include instructions and a return pre-paid envelope, for easy mailing by members. Be sure to complete ballot papers and mail back.
For eligible Tram & Bus Division members voting for Tram & Bus Divisional positions will be conducted at your workplace by attendance ballot Thursday 20th November 2014. Your Ballot papers will be handed to you by the AEC official on your request in the voting area at your workplace. The RTBU strongly urges members to take the time to cast your vote for both the postal ballot commencing Monday 3rd November 2014 for National & NSW Branch positions and also the attendance ballot for Tram & Bus positions at your workplace on Thursday 20th November 2014.
Have your say by exercising your democratic right to vote.
Tram & Bus Division Attendance Ballot
The RTBU Tram & Bus Division and its predecessor the Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees Association have been conducting Union Elections in the workplace as an attendance ballot since the Union was registered on 15th January 1911.
Download the RTBU General Election Notice here.