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Response to NSW Trains NIF Update

Feb 25, 2020Bulletins News

Bulletin: 8.20

Members will have received the recent NIF Update from NSW Trains Chief Executive, Peter Allaway which contained incorrect information regarding the outcome of the recent Fair Work Commission conciliation on 17 February 2020.

Mr Allaway quiet blatantly misinformed his employees in his recent update with the incorrect information that:

“The RTBU was directed to continue discussions on pay and conditions even though they have a different view on how pay and conditions can be implemented for the NIF roles”.

The RTBUs view of such discussions is that they are to be conducted in accordance within the provisions of the 2018 Enterprise Agreement.

For clarity, what Deputy President Sams actually suggested was that both parties (the RTBU and NSW Trains) hold discussions regarding the detail of NSW Trains’ proposal, not just the RTBU as Mr Allaway has disingenuously alluded to. The RTBU agreed to such discussions as the conditions of employees working on the NIF are incredibly important.

The RTBU has reserved its position on this matter, as has NSW Trains at Deputy President Sams’ suggestion, and will commence discussions with NSW Trains in the near future.

The RTBU views the actions of Mr Allaway as bad faith and against the so called “good faith consultation” regarding the NIF project and has reported the same to the Fair Work Commission.

If you have any concerns about something that NSW Trains communicates to you, please ensure that your delegate knows immediately, or alternatively contact us on (02) 9264 2511 or nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au.

Issued and Authorised by:

Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

Click here to download the bulletin.

