Report Back Step 3 Dispute – Station HUBS & PODs
Bulletin 57 –
To: RTBU Members: Station Staff
RTBU met with Sydney Trains IR and Management on the 5th August 2015 as part of the Step 3 Dispute Settlement Process (DSP) regarding numerous concerns regarding the installation of HUBS and PODS. The background of the issue was:
- Sydney Trains commenced the installation of HUBs and PODs at various stations. Members had a number of concerns about protection from weather conditions, no safe place to retreat to in the event of being under threat and health concerns with standing at the same spot for prolonged periods of time. In addition, there were concerns that the consultation process was flawed (members believed it was tokenistic). As a consequence, a step 2 dispute notification was lodged with Sydney Trains on the 9th July 2015.
- Whilst the dispute was running its course, the RTBU launched a survey to station staff. There was a good return of the survey and the responses to the survey were used to for additional material to support the dispute. No resolution was reached and as such, the dispute was escalated to step 3 of the DSP which involves attending Unions NSW for conciliation.
The dispute was conciliated at Unions NSW on the 5th August 2015 where Sydney Trains offered the following concessions:
- Sydney trains confirmed that comfort breaks can be taken outside the planned regular intervals, station staff may take toilet breaks as required by the individual.
- Sydney Trains confirmed that where ever possible and practical job rotation will occur at around mid-shift so Station Staff have a variety in duties and locations. It is hoped that this will address concerns in relation to station staff being restricted to a small work location.
- Sydney Trains confirmed that Control Rooms will remain available to staff.
- Sydney Trains confirmed arrangements have been put in place for staff working ‘B Gate Line’ at Central Station to be provided access to the Ticket Office facility during its opening hours and after hours.
- Sydney Trains confirmed that local risk assessments and consultation will be conducted prior to the installation of any HUB/POD at individual stations.
Sydney Trains further reiterated that they do not expect Station Staff to be attached to the HUBS/PODS for the entirety of the shift. The HUB/POD is intended as a tool. It is intended that these tools give you the flexibility to use your time during the shift whether this be cleaning and customer service. Sydney Trains also confirmed that further communication would be put out to clarify the point that Station Staff are not feel they are chained to the HUB/POD at their location. If there are any comments or questions please contact your local delegate or the RTBU Office.
Issued by: | Authorised by: |
Helen Bellette
Organiser |
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary |