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Report Back – Meeting with NSW Trains: Staff Review Travel Centres at Strathfield and Parramatta

Nov 13, 2015Bulletins

Bulletin 61 –

To: RTBU – NSW Trains;

RTBU NSW Trains Members are advised that yesterday NSW Trains held a meeting with the RTBU and ASU to provide the Unions with details of NSW Trains’ proposal to carry out staff reviews at Strathfield and Parramatta Travel Centres.

NSW Trains’ proposal would result in the closure of both Travel Centres and the displacing of all staff.

The RTBU and the ASU Representatives advised NSW Trains that there is a requirement to put in place appropriate staff review processes including a Staff Review Committee, Translation Principles Documentation, arranging for the affected staff to be provided with the “Business Cases” for their review and understanding and for further meetings as required.

During the meetings the Unions raised a number of concerns about NSW Trains’ plans for other reforms and reviews. However, NSW Trains assured the Unions that at this time there is no plan to reform or review any other areas.

NSW Trains also assured that they would comply completely with the “Deed” when it came with managing displaced staff, including the ability for affected staff to “SWAP” with others. The next steps in this process are below:

  1. Development of the Translation Principles document.
  1. NSW Trains to seek Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from the affected staff at Strathfield and Parramatta for Voluntary Redundancy (VR).
  1. Meeting Wednesday 18 November with Staff Review Committee and Union Representatives to review proposal documents and finalise the Translation Principles document.
  1. The release to affected staff of the NSW Trains’ Business Cases for their information, review and feedback.
  1. The Staff Review Committee location visits and review.

If you have any further questions please contact your local Delegate or the RTBU office.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Graham Fozzard


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary


