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Report back from RTBU POD/HUB Survey

Jul 16, 2015Bulletins

Bulletin 39 –

To: RTBU Station Staff Members:

The RTBU recently launched a survey for Station Staff to garner the opinions of Members in a systematic manner on the installation(s) of the Sydney Trains HUB’s (previously called PODS), in their workplace.

Many members were telling their RTBU representatives of their concerns about working from HUB’s which ranged from feeling vulnerable to attack without a safe place to withdraw to, no protection from the weather and the practical issues of working from a HUB.   The RTBU approached Sydney Trains on a number of occasions attempting to outline members concerns, however Sydney Trains maintained their position that HUB’s were a necessity due to customer feedback which they claimed said that station staff were not visible. As such, Sydney Trains were not meeting their customers’ expectations.

The RTBU believed that Sydney Trains were refusing to consult in ‘good faith’ with RTBU representatives, with an example of this being Sydney Trains refusing an RTBU representatives requested for Sydney Trains to provide the survey and/or results that formed the basis for the HUB’s installations. It must be noted that when referring to a TfNSW publication, the result pertaining to customer service recorded an increase from 83% customer satisfaction in 2013 to 85% customer satisfaction score. According to the dates in the report, this was prior to the installation of the HUB’s. As such, the RTBU is questioning whether there was any logic behind the installation of the HUB’s or was Sydney Trains just relying on the ‘Vibe’ of it. The results from the survey are:

I believe I was properly consulted in relation in the implementation and placement of the HUB in my workplace.
5% Strongly Agreed 3% Agreed 4% Unsure 27%   Disagreed 61% Strongly Disagreed


I believe I was properly consulted with about the risk associated to the installation of the HUB.
2% Strongly Agreed 3% Agreed 5% Unsure 20%   Disagreed 70% Strongly Disagreed


I feel safe at work operating from the HUB.
3% Strongly Agreed 3% Agreed 9% Unsure 13%   Disagreed 72% Strongly Disagreed


I believe the HUB will give me adequate protection from all weather conditions.
2% Strongly Agreed 2% Agreed 5% Unsure 10%   Disagreed 81% Strongly Disagreed


I am satisfied with the installation and use of the HUB at my work.
7% Strongly Agreed 2% Agreed 7% Unsure 16%   Disagreed 68% Strongly Disagreed


I believe that shorts are a vital option for CSAs.
44% Strongly Agreed 18% Agreed 13% Unsure 8% Disagreed 17% Strongly Disagreed

The results from this survey are being used as the basis of the dispute the RTBU has lodged with Sydney Trains. If members have any questions or comments please contact your local delegate or the RTBU office.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Helen BelletteOrganiser Robert HaydenAssistant Branch Secretary

